Put your defences to the test with Continuous Security Validation - Espria Skip to main content
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Put your defences to the test with Continuous Security Validation

Put your defences to the test with Continuous Security Validation

In Short

Continuous Security Validation test your internal and external defences against the latest threats and can be customised to your exact needs, making it simple to measure and track your security posture across the business and even 3rd parties.


Penetration Testing can be a great way to test your network for weaknesses and identify any uncovered vulnerabilities. The results are then used to shore up weak areas that hackers could exploit, not to mention that many security standards require periodic testing from qualified companies.


However, if your test is only performed annually or at the start of a project, it can leave you open to cybercriminals who regularly update and change their attack methods, sometimes on a daily basis. New threats are constantly popping up, and you need to be sure you can challenge attacks to ensure the safety of your valuable data and information.


This is where Continuous Security Validation technologies can help.

What is Continuous Security Validation?

Continuous Security Validation, from companies such as Cymulate, test your internal and external defences against the latest threats and can be customised to your exact needs, making it simple to measure and track your security posture across the business and even 3rd parties. Continuous Security Validation also helps to easily identify weaker areas of your infrastructure needing further investment or changes. You receive your results in minutes and can sleep easily knowing that your defensive infrastructure can withstand whatever threats are made.


The Benefits of Continuous Security Validation?

Visibility is everything for cyber security teams. Having access to immediate, up-to-date reports provides total visibility of security gaps before they can be taken advantage of. Organisations are able to assess their security posture on an ongoing basis, with the latest data and insights at their fingertips. Cymulate even offers actionable remediation guidance, helping you to quickly deploy effective solutions to the issues raised in your reports.


continuous security validation

For organisations looking for support in meeting compliance and regulatory standards, such as ISO 27001, Continuous Security Validation technology, in partnership with thorough penetration tests and vulnerability management technology, can be a godsend.


We offer a range of security solutions that follow the Predict, Prevent, Detect & Respond methodology. See how effective your security really is before it’s too late with Espria.


News & Insights

UK businesses cannot continue risking reputation with shoddy security, says Espria

Sophos’ 2024 Threat Report recently highlighted ransomware as the biggest existential cyber threat to small businesses. While cyberattacks on large companies and government agencies may receive more news coverage, Sophos reported that SMB’s are generally more vulnerable to cybercriminals and suffer more proportionally from the results of a breach.

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Cybercrime is a significant issue for businesses of all sizes in the UK. Although we usually hear more about cybersecurity incidents impacting large businesses, smaller businesses are also a target
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